Quotes From "A Hat Full Of Sky" By Terry Pratchett

Is somethin' wrong?" said Daft Wullie."Aye! " snapped the kelda. "Rob willnae tak' a drink o' Special Sheep Liniment! "Wullie's little face screwed up in instant grief." Ach, the Big Man's deid! " he sobbed. "Oh waily waily waily - "Will ye hush yer gob, ye big mudlin! " shouted Rob Anybody, standing up. "I am no' deid! I'm trying to have a moment o' existential dreed here, right? Crivens, it's a puir lookout if a man cannae feel the chilly winds o' Fate lashing aroound his nethers wi'out folks telling him he's deid, eh?. Terry Pratchett
Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. Terry Pratchett
It's a terrible thing for a man when his woman gangs up on him wi' a toad Terry Pratchett
There's always a story. It's all stories, really. The sun coming up every day is a story. Everything's got a story in it. Change the story, change the world. Terry Pratchett
Joy is to fun what the deep sea is to a puddle. It’s a feeling inside that can hardly be contained. Terry Pratchett
Learnin’ how not to do things is as hard as learning how to do them. Terry Pratchett
It's an unfair world, Child. Be glad you have friends. Terry Pratchett
It's still magic even if you know how it's done. Terry Pratchett
You can't not help people just because they're stupid or forgetful or unpleasant... If I don't help them, who will? Terry Pratchett
Tiffany has been apprenticing as a witch by visiting people in need with her mentor. After meeting with one particularly sad case, she tells her mentor, "It shouldn't be like this." Her mentor replies, "There isn't a way things should be. There's just what happens, and what we do. Terry Pratchett
Rain don't fall on a with if she doesn't want it to, although personally I prefer to get wet and be thankful."" Thankful for what?" said Tiffany."That I'll get dry later. Terry Pratchett
You couldn't say: It's not my fault. You couldn't say: It's not my responsibility. You could say: I will deal with this. You didn't have to want to. But you had to do it. Terry Pratchett
Witches were a bit like cats. They didn’t much like one another’s company, but they did like to know where all the other witches were, just in case they needed them. Terry Pratchett
Witches were a bit like cats. They didn’t much like one another’s company but they did like to know where all the other witches were, just in case they needed them. And what you might need them for was to tell you, as a friend, that you were beginning to cackle. Terry Pratchett
Learning how not to do things is as hard as learning how to do them. Harder, maybe. There'd be a sight more frogs in this world if I didn't know how not to turn people into them. And big pink balloons, too. Terry Pratchett
Tiffany jumped when she saw a balloon sail up above the trees, catch the wind, and swoop away, but it turned out to be just a balloon and not a lump of excess Brian. She could tell this because it was followed by a long scream of rage mixed with a roar of complaint: “AAaargwannawannaaaagongongonaargggaaaaBLOON! ” which is the traditional sound of a very small child learning that with balloons, as with life itself, it is important to know when not to let go of the string. The whole point of balloons is to teach small children this. Terry Pratchett
Here you are. Would you like some pickles?”“ Pickles gives me the wind something awful.”“ In that case–”“ Oh, I wasn’t saying no, ” Mistress Weatherwax said, taking two large pickled cucumbers. Terry Pratchett
Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving. Terry Pratchett
This book had two authors, and they were both the same person. Terry Pratchett
Never ask the tight-rope walker how he keeps his balance. if he stops to think about it, he falls off Terry Pratchett
Always face what you fear. Have just enough money, never too much, and some string. Even if it’s not your fault, it’s your responsibility. Witches deal with things. Never stand between two mirrors. Never cackle. Do what you must do. Never lie, but you don’t always have to be honest. Never wish. Especially don’t wish upon a star, which is astronomically stupid. Open your eyes, and then open your eyes again. Terry Pratchett